Best Dental Information Online for Patients

DentistMaintaining healthy teeth and gums takes effort and knowledge on the proper oral hygiene techniques. If you are searching for the best dental information online, you have come to the right place. Here is what you need to know about keeping teeth and gums healthy throughout your life.

Know what teeth are made of

In order to keep teeth healthy, it is important to understand what teeth are made of and how tooth structure can be impacted by daily activities. On the outside of the teeth is a layer of enamel. Enamel is strong and designed to protect the interior of the tooth and the root. However, enamel can only withstand so much pressure.

The enamel can erode or wear away over time by what a person eats, drinks and even how a person brushes his or her teeth. It is important to protect the enamel by:

  • Eating lean protein, nuts, crunchy vegetables and dairy products
  • Brushing with a soft toothbrush
  • Using a toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Not biting down on anything hard like a pencil
  • Staying away from soda and acidic foods

Essentially, every choice throughout the day can work to either strip away the enamel or weaken it. Making healthy choices is going to increase the likelihood of teeth remaining cavity free and strong. Making poor choices can lead to cracked or chipped teeth along with dental decay and tooth sensitivity.

Understand how gum disease develops

When looking for dental information online, many patients look up gum disease. Gum disease is a common problem that most adults will suffer from in their lifetime. Most will only have minor gum disease that we can easily resolve with an in-depth cleaning. However, since gum disease can be a precursor for tooth loss, it is critical to address it right away.

Gum disease typically forms because there is a build-up of plaque or tartar on the portion of the teeth underneath the gums. People will not be able to remove the plaque in this are with brushing at home. Thus, it is important to visit the dentist for a deep cleaning if the gums begin to become inflamed, bleed or sensitive. By removing plaque and tartar, the gums can begin to return to good health.

However, if the disease is left untreated, the gums will begin to recede and pull away from the tooth structure. As the gums pull away, pockets will form in the gum tissue, leading to an infection that jeopardizes the health and stability of the teeth.

Keep teeth healthy

Keeping teeth healthy is crucial for one's overall health. This requires daily effort on the part of patients and a partnership with a local dentist. It is important to do the following:

  • Brush teeth twice per day, two minutes at a time
  • Floss daily
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Wear a mouthguard when playing sports
  • Visit a dentist twice per year for a cleaning

Learn more

To learn more about oral health, dental restorations or cosmetic procedures, call our office and schedule an appointment. We can answer your questions and provide additional dental information.

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